Posts from 2008/11

WordLaunch update

November 27, 2008 00:00

Some personal problems this week have delayed development but I'm not one with a faint heart! This week's project is still going. Here is version 0.1! It allows you to edit your pages, and it probably still needs a lot of work before its any good at solving my rant that started this project, but I g...

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This week's project: Project WordLaunch

November 23, 2008 00:00

After having some browser issues, I found that I wasn't really happy with the way WordPress let me go about managing my pages. It was difficult to set the parent-child relationships between pages and doing massive changes. What I started to look around for was a blogging client that would allow me t...

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C is the new Assembler

November 01, 2008 00:00

As far back as I can tell, while I have used C, there was never a time when I didn't have to write abstractions to make it easier to see that I am doing something in particular. Every knowledgeable C programmer would know that abstractions tend to make code easier to read, reducing the cost of main...

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