David's blog
Yet another New Blog Site
March 11, 2025 04:29
Once again it comes to pass that I create yet another blog site for myself. I did promise myself not to do this but it aged like fine milk. In the meantime I did learn a few new things about myself.
- I like making blog sites
- Existing blogging frameworks are good but they ...
Adjacency in a Grid
May 04, 2020 13:07
Many times when I have to deal with grids and adjacency, I always come up with a solution that results in difficult to understand code that makes no sense to anyone who uses it. Here I will try and explain my system to defining adjacency in a square grid and why I use it.
Consider a grid where you...
Read postWorking with mruby
August 17, 2019 22:55
Having worked with Lua before and made a LuaCppInterface, I decided about a year ago to start working on a C++ interface for mounting mruby as a scripting language.
To start, I have been developing in Ruby for several years now and I found it to be q...
Read postJepsen and Docker
August 16, 2018 00:06
Recently I have been reading a series of very interesting posts by an Aphyr who tests distributed databases and then publishes their performance under network partition conditions, clock skews, dead nodes and ot...
Read postAn Utilitarian View on Intelligence
April 09, 2016 22:56
The recent victories of AlphaGo has been but an interesting demonstration that machines are finally able to outplay masters at a highly complex game. Some may consider this to be the beginning of a real takeover of machines ala The Terminator, which to me is simply a fear of that which we do not un...
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